
Five on Friday!!!

I can't believe Friday is here again! Yay!

It's time for Five on Friday!!! I'm linking up with these cute bloggers to tell you what's happening!

Career change! This week my job description underwent a pretty major over haul. With Oliver starting school full-time I am trying to answer the burning question... What now? My mom and Shannon think it's a good time for me to just BE STILL. I think we all know I have a hard time with that. We shall see. But in the meantime...I'm for hire!


The Roofers are coming! The Roofers are coming!
We are getting our new roof as I type! Yay! This has been the scene here in The Acres for 2 days. Can't you just hear the hammering? No. Well, I now hear it in my sleep! So happy to have this checked off  "The List".


I treated myself to a mini day of beauty this week. After running around with blue polish on my toes all summer, I decided it was time for a change. I wasn't quite ready for dark fall colors yet. So I went with one of my neutral faves "Berlin there, done that" by OPI.

I also got my brows waxed for the first time in FOREVER. I'd been letting them get a tad unruly so the girl would have something to work with. I looks like I got a face lift!!! No lie. One of my boys even asked, "what'd you do to your eyes?" It was THAT obvious!


I'm looking forward to this long weekend! Maybe even sleeping in. We don't have the first thing planned and I love it! Maybe I'll pull out the honey-do list?!?! {insert evil laugh}


Blog reno! Since I have a little more time to spend here, I've been thinking about this little space o' mine on the web. Color scheme, button styles, layout, etc. If any of you who stop by here have suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

A lot can happen in a year

Game Day is finally here! Living in the heart of Gamecock Country, the excitement abounds!!! The USC Gamecocks take on The UNC Tarheels tonight at Williams-Brice.

Every one's got their tailgate plans, whether or not they actually go to the game. The stores are packed with all your Gamecock tailgate needs. The local restaurants are frying up wings, thighs, and breasts faster than Clowney's 40 yards in 4.46. And if you're cruising around downtown, periodically you'll here Cocky crow and 2001 echoing through the streets.

The college kids all have their game day outfits and garnet dresses and skirts, khakis with a dress shirt and Gamecock bow ties. The school kids proudly sport their Gamecock gear to school...t-shirts, jerseys, and mini cheerleading outfits. SEC football fans know how to flaunt it well!

Columbia is truly an exciting place to be during football season for all of us Gamecock fans.

But today is going to be a little different for us though.

Something has gone terribly askew since last football season.

You think you know your children.

You think you're doing everything right!

And then one day...

One of them shows his true colors...

{Caution:This photo could be hazardous to your health. Some viewers may find it offensive.}

I never thought this day would come. We now have a Clemson fan!!!!! But I've chosen to accept it and embrace it. {Besides, blonds look good in orange.}

Thanks to Fulton, we are now a house divided.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

There he goes!

In case you haven't heard...

For many parents this is just one of those things we do.

But for the freak show that I am, this is MONUMENTAL!

More "MENTAL" than "monu" because I have serious issues. It's no secret! I am a crier. I cry all.the.time. Especially when it has to do with my boys and milestones.

For a year I've had people say, "I remember you with Sam/Fulton. What are you going to do when Oliver goes to school?"

If you've been around the blog a while, you may remember this, this and this.


You've heard of Attachment Disorder. But I think I have DEtachment Disorder! They could probably add it to the DSM in my honor.

I have loved the birth to 4ish phase of my boys' lives so much that I just hate to see it end.

I love the noon pick up from the preschool. The quiet and silly conversations that we'd have over PB&J sandwiches, trips to the grocery or Target, blowing bubbles on the porch, swinging, and after school play dates. I loved the silly cartoons we'd watch, the snuggling on the sofa, and getting suckers at the bank. It makes sending them to school all day so bittersweet.

But I guess it's even more bittersweet this time because he's my last.

His first day went superbly well! However, Tuesday morning lacked the same spark. There was lots of "I'm tired!" "I went to school yesterday." And "I don't want to go to school!."

But hopefully it's not anything that "The Kissing Hand" can't fix. I've read that to my boys for years and always at the start of a new school year. I made sure we read it again Tuesday night.

I love that book! It's so sweet.

Any who. So this DEtachment Disorder...

I think I've passed it on to Sam and Fulton. We were all super excited, yet anxious, for Oliver to start school.

A few side stories as we sent Oliver to school:

Sunday night:

Fulton and Sam were giving Oliver "tips" on being in big-boy school. Fulton sat him down and said, Oliver, if you need to go potty and don't know how to wipe your bottom you're going to have to ask for help and it's really embarrassing! So you may want to just tinkle at school and poop at home!

Great! Thank you, Fulton for the sage advice!

After I tucked Oliver in I got a little teary as I walked out of his room. I went to tuck Sam in and he noticed and said "Oh mom, don't cry! Lots of kids have been to school there. And they didn't come out dead!"

And thank you, Sam!

Monday at school:

We dropped Oliver off. There were a few tears from me, but nothing like I have thought. I was super proud of myself! And Oliver did beautifully!!

I picked him up all in one piece, happy, and ready to tell me I had forgotten to send something with him. What? He did not know.

So in a convo with his teacher to find out what I'd forgotten {which was nothing...still don't know what he meant}, she said Fulton sent his Assistant Teacher to check on Oliver. Fulton told his teacher that he heard Oliver crying down the hall and that he knows what his cry sounds like. BLESS!

God Bless his sweet, sweet heart! And God bless his sweet teacher for going to check and easing his mind. It was NOT Oliver at all. Oliver was curled up on his nap mat sound asleep!

I cried when she told me the story. Sweetest thing ever!

His teacher also told me Sam was about to break his neck peeking into Oliver's classroom as he passed by. I love it! Oliver is the luckiest little guy in the world to have these great big brothers!!

As for this cuckoo mother, I couldn't wait to see him at 2:30.

But here's the sweetest part that will be etched in my brain forever...

My three boy walking to school together for the very first time. It's the only year that they'll all be together. Priceless. {I just wish this pic wasn't so blurry!}

So there he goes!

I love you Ollie-bird. I hope you have a great year.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Summer Highlights: 20th High School Reunion in Pictures

2013 marks TWENTY years since I graduated high school. It's really weird to say it, but typing it is like etching it in stone. 20 years? Wow!

The occasion brought some of my favorite people together for the first time in many years. Our last official reunion was our 10th and we had a rather small crowd. Fun, but small. Since then, even more folks have gotten married, become parents, and grown in their professional lives. It was so wonderful to catch up.

I really wish there had been more time to visit with everyone. Three or 4 hours just isn't enough to cram it all in. There are some folks I'd love to hang out with weekly. I have to admit that unfortunately it takes 10-20+ years to truly appreciate exactly who and what some people are all about. There were some classmates that I didn't realize how much they meant to me until now. I feel like I should make up for lost time.

We told stories, reminisced, laughed until we lost our voices, and danced, and danced some more. Beastie Boys, Boyz II Men, Kris Kross, MC Hammer... I even did tried to do line dances. Thank goodness for the stellar instruction from a few of my favorite girls and for my thinking ahead - I packed some flats in my pocketbook!

All-in-all we had a great turn out and I have to give kudos to my dear friends Helen and Shannon who planned and promoted this event. It would NOT have happened without them. The arrangement was so festive and the ballroom accommodated us perfectly!

Highlight of the night - spending the night at the hotel with 3 of my dearest friends. We ditched the hubbies and kept the party going until the wee hours. There was so much laughter and so many great memories packed into such a short period of time. And just FYI, the recovery from such shenanigans is MUCH longer 20 years later. Whew!

ACF Class of 1993

Oh look! It's me!!! Running my mouth. Who'da thought?

Will the real Shannon Baker please stand up?

Truly AWESOME people!

 Then the lights came on. And all kinds of craziness was goin' on!
And my MOST favorite part of the weekend...These 3! Some things never change. We were the best of friends and still are. LOVE these girls more than they'll ever know.
Katy, Anna, and Helen...y'all are the best!

And the award for the BEST Photo Bomb goes to... None other than Mike Wilson. Seriously! Some things NEVER EVER change.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Five on Friday

Yay! It's a record for me. I've actually blogged 3 times this week.

I'm joining in again with a few of my favorite bloggers for Five on Friday.

We survived the first week of school!!! Only 35 more weeks til summer! Sam and Fulton jumped up excited and ready on Monday. I was totally relieved because we had really started throwing bedtime out the window over the summer! They are now in 5th and 2nd grade.

Oliver was a tad miffed that he didn't get to start with them, but no worries little guy, you start Monday. I was VERY grateful for the one-one-one time I got with Oliver this week. This time next week I could quite possibly be in the nut-house as I am really dreading sending my baby to all-day school.

 Sam 5th, Fulton 2nd, and we met some school buddies for and ice cream treat!

Oliver and I had lots of snuggle and play time this week. He had 3 play-date adventures and seemed to really enjoy his last week of summer vacay with mommy. We blew bubbles, went to meet friends for lunch, got some new tenny-pumps, and snuggled on the sofa and watched our favorite shows. I love that sweet boy!

My August Birchbox came this week! {If you don't know what that is, check it out!} The greatest shade of red lipstick was in it! And y'all know I love some red lipstick! Always have. I used to wear it just on fancy occasions, but now I wear it just because. Shan likes it too. So as soon as he got home I gave it whirl!

Any who, once this runs out I'll definitely reorder.

Football season is now less than a week away. It's always an exciting time of year! Next Thursday the USC Gamecocks will be taking on the UNC Tarheels. It'll be like our own personal Civil War on the field! GO COCKS!


This weekend I'm looking forward to a leadership training that I'm participating in for Junior League. I love all the opportunities they give us to learn how to lead others as we give back to our community. {While I'm still in cheerleader mode from #4} Go JLC!

Have a good weekend! TGIF!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Joy comes in the morning!

On Monday my big boys started school. Fulton is now a 2nd grader and Sam is a 5th grader!


The night before school starts is always filled with great anticipation. We sat around the table eating our ice cream sundaes and I asked each boy what their hope was for the new school year. Their answers were the obvious... do well, make more friends, have fun, get extra recess, etc.

Sam had been feeling a little more apprehensive about the start of the new school year. The last few days he had been talking a lot about it being his last year of elementary school and asking what middle school will be like. He's in those really awkward years - stuck between wanting to feel grown up and still wanting to be a little boy. I remember like it was yesterday having the same feeling. It's so hard!

On Sunday night as I was preparing to tuck everyone in, Sam came into Oliver's room and asked if I'd snuggle with him a little longer. When I got into his room he hopped up on the bed with the picture book "Pickles to Pittsburgh" by Judi Barrett {the sequel to "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"}. He said, "mom, will you read me this book tonight?"

I was a little surprised as Sam hasn't wanted me to read ANYTHING to him in about 2 or 3 years. He's been a very independent reader for a while. I said, "sure, but wouldn't you rather read it to me?"

He tearfully answered, "No, I want you to because this is what I love about being a kid... I have so many good memories of our time together and I'm afraid to grow up!"

Needless to say, I was in a flood of tears as I reassured him that growing up is good! And just because you grow up doesn't mean you won't have good memories.

His concern is that those "memories will be so far away" as he gets older. Again, I know exactly what he means. It seems like childhood was just a blip on the radar. We settled down, I read his book - holding back more tears, said our prayers, and I tucked him in.

I am so thankful that he asked me to read that book to him, that he shared his heart with me, and that we have created good memories for him. But at the same time I got so incredibly sad that he really is growing up in the blink of an eye. I was emotionally drained by the time I finally went to sleep.

Even after all that...Sam jumped up and was ready for school in record time. Fulton was his usual skippy morning-person self. Oliver was bummed that he has to wait until next week to start school. And the whole family was up and running bright and early! We all felt excited and refreshed.

Sam - 5th grade, Fulton - 2nd grade and Superman in pajamas starts All-day 4k next week {Lawd Help!}

It was a delightful reminder of Psalm 30:5(b)- Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

'Tis true, folks. 'Tis true! Life can be an emotional roller coaster, but we are always restored by His promises. 

So for now, I'll continue hanging on to their childhood for dear life, making memories... even if it means I have to read picture books to each one of them every.single.night for the rest of their lives!

Monday, August 19, 2013

My FULL heart

I was bombarded with emotion this hubby in the last year of his 30's, summer ending, school starting! Time is flying by and I just wish I could freeze certain moments. I'm always a tad melancholy at the start of a new school year. But my heart feels a little fuller than usual this time.

Last week we celebrated Shan's 39th birthday. This week his brother celebrates his 44th. So each year we celebrate both of their birthdays with Shan's family on the weekend in between.

Birthday boys!

We met for dinner on Saturday night. The wait was particularly long! I was dreading the hour wait with my hungry and bored little peeps, but they were extremely well-behaved. As we sat, the loud pop music was playing in the background and - ironically enough - the song "Troublemaker" by Olly Murs came on. It happens to be one of their favorites. Sam started singing, then Fulton. Oliver even chimed in on the chorus.

My music-lovin' boys were spot-on! Harmony and pitch-perfect!! All the people sitting around us were smiling and tapping their feet along. How could they not? Coming from a musical family, I couldn't have been more proud.

I can't explain how blessed I felt at that moment - with those 3 blond heads happy, healthy, smiling, singing and sharing a passion of mine.

There are days that I think, "what in the world was God thinking when he gave me THREE boys to raise? I CANNOT do this!!!" But I AM doing this, with His help. They are my precious gifts and they fill my heart! Thanks be to God!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Five on Friday

Hey y'all! You know I have the best intentions of updating this blog, but I just can't seem to get it rollin'!

Any who...a few blogs that I follow do Five on Friday and I'm jumping in! I hope it will help me get back in the blog swing.

It was a busy week to say the least. It was meeting and obligation packed! My friend Misty and I held our first whole committee meeting for the Junior League of Columbia's Holiday Market 2013. The room was filled with great energy from the MANY fabulous volunteers. We unveiled our logo, ran through some housekeeping items, and played a super cute thematic ice-breaker to get to know each other. I feel really good about the busy months ahead! {Don't you love the logo?}
We set out to get school supplies this week, but not before we had one last picnic on the lawn of the State House with Daddy! The boys love packing a lunch and spreading a blanket on the lush lawn. I feel fortunate that downtown is our capitol and that we live just a few minutes away. We're trying our best to soak up these last few days of summer!

I started The Me Project by Kathi Lipp. I love the way she writes! She's got all aspects of faith, relationships, and organization covered in her books. She makes me feel "normal". I often feel inadequate when reading books that involve spirituality and organization. But she just speaks straight to me - a lot like my other fave, Lysa TerKeurst.
We had our big Back to School rally for the boys last night. I helped man the PTO table and get everyone checked in. The boys got to meet their new principal and teachers for this school year. Such an exciting time for everyone!!! It's so hard to believe I've got a 5th grader, 2nd grader, and 4k preschooler. I've got a feeling it's going to be a great year!


Shan celebrated his birthday! 39 FOREVER!! And what exactly does a man turning 39 old fashioned charcoal grill, of course. Nothing fancy. Just a grill. He was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. Now, if we could just get it to stop raining so he can use it!! Happy Birthday to my sweet hubby...Here's to many, many more!