Shannon and I are going from playing man on man to playing zone defense!!!! We are excited to announce that we will be expecting BAKER BABY #3 some time in the beginning of 2009.
I apologize for some-what falling off the blog map but the first trimester has been quite interesting this time. Lots of nausea, hot flashes, extreme fatigue, and as my mother and Shannon so kindly pointed out...severe mood swings (thanks). Shannon and I are the old-fashioned nerds who don't find out what we're having. So...sorry, you'll have to wait with us on the surprise. However, I do not think that Shannon and I could ever produce anything but boys, so all you girl fans don't even need to get your hopes up! ;-)
As for Sam and Fu, They don't know yet. They just think their mother has gone from "crazy" to a "certifiable fruitcake". We will probably wait to tell them when there are more physical need to create any more anxiety in my house for now than necessary. I'm sure they will hear us talking plenty in the upcoming months and be able to figure it out on their own (at least Sam probably will.)
I hope that you are all doing well and staying cool this summer. And we hope that you will keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this exciting time (Lord knows I need 'em). As can keep up with us right here on What's Bakin'? !!!!