
Sunday, April 23, 2006

All partied out!

Our ride home from Summerville proved that poor Sam and Fulton were all tuckered out from their party weekend.Shannon and I went to a Shower on Friday night while Sam and Fulton partied at home with Mrs. Baker (A.K.A.-Naynay). While the report was good, I have a feeling Fulton gave her a run for her $$$$$! Saturday we partied with the West boys for their birthdays. It was a very wet day but that didn't stop anyone from having a great time. Then Sunday we traveled to Summerville to celebrate cousin Isabella Tronco's 1st birthday! Sam and Fulton were both feeling a little under the weather but Sam insisted on going. He woke up at 1:30 AM with fever and exclaimed "Mommy, I feel better now so I can go play with Jameson". So on we went this morning to Summerville but not without giving Sambo fair warning that he had to keep his distance from the others. It did not seem to bother him...he just enjoyed being there as a spectator. He is his mother's child because he sho ain't gonna miss a party! They had a great time and Isabella was cute as pie!
Here's Isabella/Michael blowing out her candles and enjoying her cake!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Welcome to the most addictive thing in the world. Sorry, I sucked everybody into it (but the blame really goes back to Leslie (Wheat) Kirk, she is the one who sucked me in.) It is actually pretty convenient and easier than eamiling pictures to everybody in your address book. Anyway, I am excited that I can see your adorable boys (I guess the computer is better than nothing!!)

  3. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Way too cute...Did you know I love those little fellas? Good job doing this whatever it is blog thing. I have no clue how to do this. But I will just be satisfied to read your's. My house is like a morque anyway, I would just scare people away from any blog I posted. Nic and I have a saying we would tell a judge when asked why we left home..."we just had to leave"!!! That's supposed to be funny...Love, Muzzy


So glad you stopped by! I sure do love a comment or 12. So let me know you were here! ;)