Monday, September 21, 2009

USMC Mud Run 2009

Oh yes we did!!! I set a goal last year, 5 months pregnant with Oliver, while cheering on some friends, to run in the 2009 USMC Mud Run. The challenge is a 4.2 mile course made up of wooded and muddy terrain and includes 30 obstacles. I hate to say it but I was doubted by a couple of folks. They should know better right?
Any who, I conned 3 other fantastic women into doing it with me. Only to have one of them get sick the morning of. Fortunately, our good friend from church, Beth stepped up and save the day, as you have to run in a team of 4.
So when Oliver was 3 months old I set out on my quest to train as hard as I could to get ready for this event. I had heard it was tough but I was determined! We all had a common goal. We were not going to compete...we simply wanted to finish! And that we did!
With a great cheering section of good friends on hand and lots of faith in God we pulled through and lived to tell. Now we're even more fired up about doing it next year and even shaving some time off our record!
I am so grateful for such a wonderful team who helped me realize one of my goals! MUAH to The Dirty Joke...we did it Girls!

Team: The Dirty Joke
Sarah Meacham, Anne Stuart McMillan, Me, and Beth Fisher

Some other muddy friends

An appropriate place for me...on a stretcher!!!!
100yds to the finish line...last obstacle of the race

Go Sarah!!!

Over ---- Under

Wade in the water children!!!! Me in the Z trench

I really didn't feel like smiling!

Go Anne Stuart...leading The Dirty Joke to the finish

Fu and Mase got muddy at the Pollywog Mud Run while they waited.
Sam said...aww I did that last year. So he and Robert just chilled...nice and clean.

And we're off!

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