
Monday, August 09, 2010

Day 9

Agenda Shopping
I have been shopping for several weeks for a new agenda/planner. My current planner is about to run out and I am looking for the one that best suits my lifestyle and is the most PRACTICAL. An agenda is an essential in every family! I use it to organize my days, weeks, and months for all my peeps. It keeps us from forgetting important bits of info and scheduled events. So I am in need of one that can accommodate all 5 of us and our scrambly schedules! I am personally familiar with a few of them and I have been pleased with their functionality, but I also wanted to weigh my other options. After conducting my own search, I've narrowed it back down to the 3 I'm most familiar with.
  • Mom's Plan-it
    • Pros- Size, Storage Pocket, Tear-off Shopping lists, Cost, 17 month calendar, Spiral bound (great for folding pages back)
    • Cons- No Month at a glance, Wasted stickers I don't use, non-transferable address book
  • MomAgenda
    • Pros- Size, Nicely bound w/page marker, Aesthetics, Reusable address book, Week and Month at a glance, Designated areas for each child
    • Cons- 13 month calendar, Cost
  • Pocket the Date
    • Pros- Great pocket storage for each month, Spiral bound, Cost
    • Cons- Size, 12 month calendar, No week view
PLEASE!!! If any of you have opinions of which planner works best for you and your family, I'd love to hear it!!! Help a sista out and comment below.

Practically Put- Every family needs to have someone to write down the rules, schedules, and important info. And we all need a handy place to store it, such as an agenda. If you don't already have one, go on the hunt for your family's perfect organizer. It will keep you sane and your family on top of its game!

Practically Put- Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. -Joshua 1:8

Practically Yours,


  1. I am also on the lookout for a good planner. I am thinking about the MomAgenda, but am not sure I want to spend $40 for a one year calendar. I put everything in Outlook which is pretty good becauase I can email to Brian and he adds to his calendar so he knows all the dates too. Let me know what you decide.

  2. PS: Still haven't figured out how to add the stinkin' feed to my site yet. Are you having better luck?

  3. My MomAgenda runs 17 months and I love it! I agree that the cost is major con, but they go on big time sale toward the end of the year. I got mine online last year - on Cyber Monday to be exact - for like $30. Plus I had a free shipping code from Southern Savers. Honestly though, I would still pay the extra. I like having a pretty planner :)

  4. I like the Filofax made in England. It's a little harder to find but worth it. You can add any sections that you need--kind of like the Day-Timer, only nicer!

  5. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I use a plain old Day Timer and buy my refills from Target or Staples every year. i feel like I should switch to something electronic, but every January I sit down and switch over my calendar. Kindof a New Year's tradition now... I think the MomAgendas are great, I'm just too cheap to spend that much. :)

  6. i have searched for one I like but cant find one. so i've decided to try to make my own. I'd be willing to make you one too.

    What are you all looking for it to contain? what size? the more detail you can include. the more custom I could make it.

    if interested, email me at amandadaleis @ hotmail dot com


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