
Friday, January 17, 2014

I love a FRIDAY!

PHEW!!! What a week! Oh! How I love a Friday.

Especially THIS Friday. We have an extra-long weekend, thanks to MLK, Jr. Monday and an in-service day Tuesday. YAY!

It's time for a link up for FIVE ON FRIDAY!

This week I'm posting 5 things that made me smile - since my last Five on Friday!

A fun dinner night-in with one of our favorite couples. SO many good laughs!!!
My one-of-a-kind burlap door hanger from aDOORnaments! This lady can do anything. ANY.THING! She's my mom and I "aDOOR" her!
 Seeing hard work and dedication pay-off with this number.

This text from my sweet friend about her MOST adorable twins after an extended play date with Oliver. It's the text you look back at several times because you just have to.

Celebrating the "Wizard Mickey" birthday of THE CUTEST 5 YEAR-OLD I know!
 Party details coming soon.
Happy Friday!

1 comment :

  1. {Visitng from the Five on Friday link up} Looks like a great week!! Happy 5th Birthday to your lit'l guy!! LOVE the theme of his party! :) Enjoy every bit of your extended weekend!!


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