Monday, August 15, 2011


It's SCHOOL YEAR'S EVE!!! And how does What's Bakin' spend the last official weekend of summer vacation? Well...

I've kinda had the gotta-cram-as-much-as-possible-into-these-last-few-days syndrome because I always wonder if we've done enough, if they've enjoyed themselves, and created good memories. I'm pretty sure they have but I just want to be reassured.

We decided to spend our last Friday being lazy and staying in pj's until lunchtime one last time. In the late afternoon we made a lemonade stand. It was no average lemonade stand. Sam named it the "RUSH HOUR LEMONADE STAND"! We live on a quiet street and rarely have steady traffic, except at peak hours. We figured rush hour would be the best time for customers. And who doesn't need a refreshing drink after work?!?

The crew at Rush Hour Lemonade Stand

 Sam's signage

I love that Sam is his mother's child. He wanted to coordinate the sign with the red polka dot pitcher and yellow lemonade. Presh!!!

We ended the night at the park after supper hitting some baseballs and running wild!

Sam at bat


My Fu monkey

Saturday, Sam participated in a pick-up baseball game with some of his PBL buddies. He went 3 for 4 at bat, which is great for a rusty little ball player.

My catcher

In the field

We topped our day off with a back-to-school/daddy's birthday dinner at our fave Japanese restaurant. Even with uber stuffed bellies, they still begged to go get frozen yogurt at yummilicious. When we got home Sam said, "mommy, this was the best back to school night ever!!" And Fulton chimed in, "yeah, it was awesome!" It made my heart smile!

Being super busy, Sunday rolled around quickly! And what better way to celebrate the upcoming school year than with...

A School Year's Eve Party!!!!
Shannon and I hosted an ice cream social at our pool. It rained cats and dogs just as it was time to start, but that didn't stop anyone! The parents took cover and the kids swam in the rain!!!

We returned home because Shan had a meeting to go to, which was going to hinder our "birthday party" plans for him, but fortunately, he didn't have to go at the last minute. So we had an impromptu supper and cake to celebrate.

 Happy 37th, Shan!!!! We love you more than you know!!!

 My favorite testosterone posse having a bedtime birthday party for daddy

It's best to keep the ollie monster stripped down until he has destroyed his cake and ice cream

The diaper wasn't even salvageable! I think that's a sign that he enjoyed it.

The boys were all tuckered out and ready for bed early after a fun-filled school year's eve. It was a delightful end to a wonderful summer!!!

Best wishes to all of you starting school this week!

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