Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whoooo's Ready for...

Monster Jam 2012????

Last Friday night we took the boys to Monster Jam. It was quite an exciting time for the Baker boys. It was my and Ollie's first experience. Sam and Fulton were so excited that we were joining in their tradition. Shannon has been taking them with friends since Sam was 2 {sorry, I wasn't blogging then, but here's 2007}. They really look forward to this annual event. This year we decided to make it a family affair. It was definitely worth it seeing Oliver's shell-shocked face.

As we walked into the Colonial Center and saw the dirt arena and giant trucks, all the blood left his face and his mouth just hung open. He was A-MAZED! Sam and Fulton are the old pros and showed the newbies the way. We went to eat dinner at their traditional hot dog spot and then armed ourselves with the appropriate protective ear-wear. They kept me filled in on all the significance of each "drive". I feel extremely enlightened now that I have experienced a real live MONSTER TRUCK SHOW!

On one of my 14 lovely days {the day before we went to monster jam}, I surprised them with a visit to see one of the trucks that would be participating and its driver, as he was parked at a local auto parts was Rap Attack! Again, Oliver was motionless and speechless. So funny! Sam and Fulton were ALL-OVER-IT...literally. They were climbing all over the tires and even asked the driver if he could take them for a ride. Uuuuuuummmm...well, there's only one seat. Not possible, guys.

Any was a night to remember for us all. I enjoyed being just one of the boys!


1 comment :

just ask beth said...

you little hillbilly!!! Looks like fun!