Friday, May 18, 2012

Phone Dump Friday

Happy Friday!
The weekend is here and it's time for a late-night Friday Phone Dump.
We finished off our week with a school-wide picnic at the school. The rainy day turned into a gorgeous evening for a fun occasion.
Shan and I helped the boys get all their "gear" ready for their kids mini triathlon tomorrow. They are so excited! However, I think baby Ver might be a little disappointed when he realizes he's not actually participating.

Any who...
This is just me dumping my phone pics from the week...

 1. A quick pic of Sam and his oh-so-cool Mom
2-4. Ollie's last day of the 2's with Mrs. Paige and his buds
{I'm so glad the Ver-man is feeling better...his infected bug bite tested positive for MRSA. YIKES!!! But thankfully he was treated quickly and is on the mend and my entire house has been cloroxed!}
 1. Fulton the Bikini Monkey at the school picnic
2. Look out! Spider Ollie will be in a pool near you very soon
3. This evening's pretty clouds
1. Guess who fell in the mud at school?
2. This guy!!!! I had to take him a change of clothes.
He was appropriately wearing his USMC mud run t-shirt. HA!


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