Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Our Labor Day Weekend

Labor day has come and gone. I have to admit that I am really ready for the fall! We had some unseasonably cool temps a few weeks ago that were a huge tease, but our usual scorching and insanely humid weather is back and free to leave any time!

For Labor Day weekend we usually head to the beach with friends or go to the lake. This year we just enjoyed our long weekend with no obligations. We spent much of the day Saturday purging and reorganizing cabinets, which happens to be so therapeutic. I am gathering all things "garage sale" as I am in total de-clutter mode.

Sunday we asked the boys what they'd like to do. Their choice, go get yogurt and play football in the park. It was steamy, but fun!  I wouldn't trade these days for anything. Sam is getting so big now and already craving some time to himself. I know it won't be long before he rolls his eyes and moans, "Uhhh the park? I'm supposed to meet my friends... ." I loved seeing them happily play ball together and teach Oliver how to do the monkey bars. It just warms my heart.


We are so fortunate to be surrounded by several great parks that have recently been renovated here in "The Acres". The one we frequent has the most comfy bench swings, so Shan and I took advantage of the boys entertaining themselves to swing and chat a while.

Monday rolled around and everyone had slept in. It was lovely! While Shan was hopping onto an airplane that afternoon, we headed to my Aunt Judy's house with my mom's family for a Labor Day dip in the pool and cookout. Waterlogged doesn't even begin to describe my boys after their 4 hours in the pool {with a short break in between to eat}. I was exhausted just looking at them! They all slept really well and were refreshed for another week of school.

In my opinion, it was a nice change from the usual get-out-of-town rat race and a nice unofficial end to summer.


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