Sunday, September 09, 2007

FU FU is 2!!!

I compiled all of our favorite photos of Fulton into a slide show to honor him on his special day. ENJOY!!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet and precious Fulton! It is hard to believe that Fulton Barnes Baker made his grand entrance into this world 2 years ago. He has added such flavor to our family. While I was pregnant with him I kept wondering how in the world I could love another child as much as I do Sam. It is so mysterious how God has blessed us with an indescribable depth of love for our children. To put it simply like his Muzzy says, Fulton is addictive! His silly personality and good nature and his sparkling blue eyes...are things you just can't live without!

The past two years have been quite an adventure. We have had so much fun with him in our lives. Sam thinks he is the greatest little brother. Sam has been such a good role model and teacher to Fu. He has quickly given Fulton the gift of tolerance for annoying behavior! I expect Fulton to be an extremely patient adult.

At age 2...He loves his big brother, monster trucks, ELMO, fire trucks, his books, his Mommy and Daddy, and his "bappie"(pacie), and we recently learned that his favorite song is Our God is an Awesome God. Which leads me to...

A cute story...On the way home one day we were listening to our VBS CD and Our God had just finished playing. Suddenly Fulton started crying out and reaching towards the front of the car. After handing him everything I possibly could to figure out what he wanted, he still kept saying "Ar Gu". So finally I asked, "do you want me to turn it up". He said "no, no". I thought well maybe he doesn't like this song so I rewound a song or two to Our God. Well that was what he wanted!!! He just grinned, giggled and said "Ar Gu". And now we have a favorite song. He cracks me up! He knows what he wants and he's not going to give up until he gets it!

Any who...we are looking forward to his party this afternoon. More to come a little later but for now...

We love you, Sweet Baby!!!!! Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Sam


And so the Birthday Bonanza continues!

At 3:30 we met at Hollywood Park for Fu's big party. We were surrounded by a million Precious and I mean PAH-RESH-US children. They ran around and got so hot and sweaty. The 30 juice squeezie things and 48 waters I brought were gone by 4:15! All the kids appeared to have had so much fun. The festivities ended around 5:00.

We had a Sesame Street theme b/c that is what Fu is ALL about at the moment. We had a primary color scheme and I made some cute theme related invitations for him. We passed out theme and age appropriate favors. I made some darling little ice-cream cone cupcakes which by-the-way are HUGE on the cute factor but a you know what to transport. (I don't recommend it.) I had some DIBS to go with the cupcakes but forgot all about them. So if you get a hankerin' for some Dibs...just let us know!

After the party we headed home to open presents. Fulton got to open a ridiculous amount of FABULOUS gifts! He is such a LUCKY and BLESSED little guy. He picked his favorites of the night but I feel sure he will change it up tomorrow.
After a long FUN day Fu and Sam were very tired. I know he truly enjoyed himself.


Anonymous said...

No crying this time. The medication must be working. HA Thank you for delivering our sweaters. Sorry I'm a slacker. It's hard to get excited about wearing a sweater just yet. But, I will have to say. They are sooo damn cute. I can't wait for them to wear them. What's up with you? I feel like I haven't see you in months. Please pass belated birthday wishes onto sweet baby FU. It's hard to keep up with those second babies. It looks like he had a grand time. Are you going to be able to make the Cabi party? If not, let's plan a girls night soon!! Miss you:-) April

Anonymous said...

Hey! How are you? What have u been up to?

I would love for you to show me how to create one of these sites. I'd love to have one created for when the baby comes. :o)
Shannon V

Anonymous said...

Shake n bake
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