Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Very Sesame Weekend

We surprised the boys with Sesame Street Live at the Colonial Center for Fu's birthday. I don't know who enjoyed it more...Shannon and I or the boys. The show them was "Elmo Makes Music" which happens to be one of their favorite DVD's. All the songs were very familiar to them and the bright colors, confetti, and lights were very entertaining.
Shannon and I loved how the # of the day was 8 and that was how much they were charging for the Elmo BALLOONS at intermission. How coincidental!!!!!!!! Can we say..."RIP-OFF". We fortunately didn't fall prey to that little scam. But the really sad part was looking up to the ceiling at the end a seeing all the "Elmos" that got away. The parents may as well have gone to the bathroom, handed their child 8 bucks, and said "now, flush it down the toilet little Timmy."
BUUUUUUT...Other than that I have to say that it was a great show and we were all entertained. We also saw lots of familiar faces having just as much fun as we did. For some reason Sesame Street has the ability to turn everyone into a kid again. It is a delightful feeling!

Sam and Fu pose at the back drop

Sam and Fu watch with Shannon as they shoot confetti and streamers
Fu's eyes were so glued to the stage he wouldn't even smile for the camera!
A blurry shot of the action

1 comment :

Anonymous said...


I can't believe that Fulton is 2! Wow, how time flies! Awesome pictures on your blog, I have finally been blogging on a regular basis, so check it out. I put your letterbugz website on there, I hope you don't mind. I thought I would pass it along to my other friends to see.

Anyway, I will be in Columbia this week and will let you know what day, so I can swing by and pick up those clothes, thanks for holding on to them.

Ok.. the blogsite is: of course you probably already knew that.

Take care and can't wait to see ya again,
