Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter from What's Bakin'!!!

(note: Fulton's face...see side story below)

It was a fantastic and joyful morning! The boys were so excited to get their Easter baskets and to go see their cousins at the lake. We started the morning with our Easter Sunday church service, which was wonderful! Then we ran home to grab our contribution to Easter dinner and headed up to the lake. It was such a beautiful day and the food was great!! We enjoyed visiting with the Baker side of the family. The boys did about 20 egg hunts, blew lots of bubbles and played school with Kirstin, Madeline, James and Ben. It was great to see everyone!
God has blessed us in so many ways! Easter is such a special time of year to reflect on our faith. I especially see it as a time to really focus on teaching my boys about the sacrifices Jesus made for us. It casts an entirely different perspective on the season for them. I was so impressed with Sam. He has learned what certain colors at Easter symbolize. He even went through his basket and told me what each color stood for. It really made me smile!!! I thought...Thank you God, he's getting it!

We are especially thankful and feel blessed that little Fu will be feeling better soon! Which leads me to my side story:

Fu woke up on Easter a.m. and his eyes were a little glassy. I thought maybe it was the pollen so we went on with our day. He seemed to feel fine and was having a great time at church and at the lake and raiding his basket. We were well into the afternoon and 45 minutes away from home at the lake when we sat down to take a family picture. I happened to notice that Fu's
lips looked blue and he was shaking terribly. I felt his head and he was on FIRE!!! I have never felt a person so warm in my life. Shannon and I immediately loaded up and flew home.
We were able to get some Motrin in him on the way home. But by the time we got home and I took his temp it was almost 105 (104.8 to be exact...he was listless, babbling and couldn't stand up well!!!)! I quickly took him to the ER while Shannon tried to get Dr. Laura on the phone. I was so scared because I had always heard that the risk of brain damage and seizures increased tremendously at 105. Fortunately, Dr. Laura called my cell while I was waiting to be seen and told me to go home...she was going to tell me everything I needed to do.

When I was leaving the ER the Valet lady commented that I was leaving quickly and asked what the matter was. I told her he had a high fever and that my Dr. was sending me home to treat it. She said well how high does it have to be to stay. And I said well our Dr. said between 106 and 108. And she said "WHAT!!! That ain't high that's called dead!" I happen to agree with her!
But we soon found out that he had a NASTY virus and it just had to run its course. Needless to say, it was VERY scary!!! I realized very quickly that things could have turned out quite differently. I am so thankful that he's going to be okay!!!

The Easter Bunny came!!!

It wouldn't be Easter without pink azaleas!

Wacha got Sambo???

Oh Fu...What's in there???

The cross at church

Fu reaches for an egg
Sam fills his pail (on loan from Kirstin)
Crazy Cousins
James, Fu, Kirstin, and Sam

Fu and Daddy blowing bubbles

Madeline and Kirstin
Sam and Fu on the hunt

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