Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Pollywog Mud Run

Sam participated in the Pollywog Mud Run at Ft. Jackson. It's the kids version of the big mud run. It is also every kid's dream to get neck deep in a giant mud puddle. Had I not been pregnant...I would have gotten in myself. It looked like too much fun.
We joined the Gieses and the Todds to cheer on Andrew Todd's team in the Mud Run. While we waited for the start of the run, the kids did their own mud run. These muddy boys had a blast. Too bad little Fu is still too young to do it...but we'll get him in next year.

Keith Giese, Sam Todd, and Sam Baker

On your mark, get set, go!
The Course

A proud, muddy, and accomplished Sam!

Fu has the perfect seat and looks on anticipating the day he turns 4 and can participate too!
A victory snack with the Todds
Sam and Sam rockin' out and dancing to music while waiting on Sam Todd's daddy to start his race.

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