Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Bunco group!
This year we decided to do a theme Christmas party since we had so much fun back in the Spring with the White Trash Cookout. Our Christmas theme was the "UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER". Needless to say, it was quite hilarious to see what everyone would come up with. Unfortunately, it was a small crowd due to illnesses, surgeries, new babies, and lack of sitters. But those of us who were able to rise to the occasion had a great time.
The Powells hosted in their beautiful home. We had great hors d' oeuvers and a white elephant gift exchange. Shannon and I were fortunate enough to acquire the lovely set of three Air Force Academy 24k gold ornaments that I was able to turn into earrings and a pendant for the evening.
I was VERY slack with the camera and did not get pics of everyone. So if any of the Bunco girls would like to send some to me (hint hint) I would love it!!!!
But here are a few of the good sports joining in the sweater theme...
Malcolm and Leigh...winning the award for most obscene
Mason and their REAL clothes ;-)

Shannon and a middle-aged school teacher and Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation

Shannon in his homemade light up sweater and me with my Cardinal pride sweater large enough to accommodate a small village of people and my pregnant belly

Neal and Trey as the ski-lodge couple showing off their winnings from the exchange

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