Monday, August 17, 2009

Happ Birthday, Shan!!!!

If you know us well, you know that we celebrate birthdays all week and sometimes all month! Shan turned 35 of August 14th. We had a great time celebrating with friends and family.

The Bakers and The Bakers
Nana and Papa treated Shan to our favorite restaurant in Lexington, Main Street Cafe. Looooove it!
The Boys and I threw a Transformer (you know it had to have a theme) party for Shan and included some good buddies and their children. We had a fantastic BBQ dinner with all the fixins (thanks to Ans for helping)!

Make a wish, Shan!
Granny's rain lamp which I recently acquired, is still a conversation piece after all these years!

Katie, Ollie, and Anne Stuart

The sweet Gibsons
Jason, Katie, Wright, Henry, & Parker
(Mom's of 3 boys rock!!!)
John & Jen and Ansley and Patrick

Lorri and Michaela

Wild boys!!!!!!!!!!

Looooooooove those two!!!! Sweet buddies!

We joined Muzzy and Boppa at none other than our traditional pick...Sato!!!!
There's nothing like dining out with the kids and not having to tell them to stay seated and eat their food. They always stay so occupied at Sato.
At any rate, we had a great week and Shannon truly deserves it! He is the best!!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Shan!!!!

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