Friday, August 30, 2013

Five on Friday!!!

I can't believe Friday is here again! Yay!

It's time for Five on Friday!!! I'm linking up with these cute bloggers to tell you what's happening!

Career change! This week my job description underwent a pretty major over haul. With Oliver starting school full-time I am trying to answer the burning question... What now? My mom and Shannon think it's a good time for me to just BE STILL. I think we all know I have a hard time with that. We shall see. But in the meantime...I'm for hire!


The Roofers are coming! The Roofers are coming!
We are getting our new roof as I type! Yay! This has been the scene here in The Acres for 2 days. Can't you just hear the hammering? No. Well, I now hear it in my sleep! So happy to have this checked off  "The List".


I treated myself to a mini day of beauty this week. After running around with blue polish on my toes all summer, I decided it was time for a change. I wasn't quite ready for dark fall colors yet. So I went with one of my neutral faves "Berlin there, done that" by OPI.

I also got my brows waxed for the first time in FOREVER. I'd been letting them get a tad unruly so the girl would have something to work with. I looks like I got a face lift!!! No lie. One of my boys even asked, "what'd you do to your eyes?" It was THAT obvious!


I'm looking forward to this long weekend! Maybe even sleeping in. We don't have the first thing planned and I love it! Maybe I'll pull out the honey-do list?!?! {insert evil laugh}


Blog reno! Since I have a little more time to spend here, I've been thinking about this little space o' mine on the web. Color scheme, button styles, layout, etc. If any of you who stop by here have suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Have a great weekend!

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