Monday, August 19, 2013

My FULL heart

I was bombarded with emotion this hubby in the last year of his 30's, summer ending, school starting! Time is flying by and I just wish I could freeze certain moments. I'm always a tad melancholy at the start of a new school year. But my heart feels a little fuller than usual this time.

Last week we celebrated Shan's 39th birthday. This week his brother celebrates his 44th. So each year we celebrate both of their birthdays with Shan's family on the weekend in between.

Birthday boys!

We met for dinner on Saturday night. The wait was particularly long! I was dreading the hour wait with my hungry and bored little peeps, but they were extremely well-behaved. As we sat, the loud pop music was playing in the background and - ironically enough - the song "Troublemaker" by Olly Murs came on. It happens to be one of their favorites. Sam started singing, then Fulton. Oliver even chimed in on the chorus.

My music-lovin' boys were spot-on! Harmony and pitch-perfect!! All the people sitting around us were smiling and tapping their feet along. How could they not? Coming from a musical family, I couldn't have been more proud.

I can't explain how blessed I felt at that moment - with those 3 blond heads happy, healthy, smiling, singing and sharing a passion of mine.

There are days that I think, "what in the world was God thinking when he gave me THREE boys to raise? I CANNOT do this!!!" But I AM doing this, with His help. They are my precious gifts and they fill my heart! Thanks be to God!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God for you and your boys! You all fill my heart too!