Monday, January 20, 2014

40 Goals in 40 Weeks by Age 40

It occurred to me the other day that I'll be 40 years old in 40 weeks exactly on January 20th, 2014.

That's today.

FORTY. 40.

I don't know why that number gives me anxiety. Maybe because I remember my parents turning 40 - vividly - and now it's me. Or maybe it's because it represents the dreaded era of the "mid-life crisis". But then again, it could be that 40 is the new 30, and technically at 30 you're supposed to be a "grown up". So if I didn't feel grown up at 30, the pressure is on now...and I REALLY DO HAVE to be a "grown up".

Never mind the fact that I've been married almost 15 years, I have had 3 babies and I'm raising them, I haven't been on my parents insurance in years, or that I have TONS of life experiences that would deem me a "grown up". For some reason I feel like there are things that have been left - OUTSTANDING - or that I could be doing a better job of or more often.

Having more fun. Taking better care of myself. Enjoying the little things more.

So, I'm starting my 40 x 40 Challenge. Today.

I've made a bucket list of sorts that I'd like to accomplish by my Fortieth birthday. I plan to blog about each one as I work towards it or accomplish them {in no particular order}.

I hope you'll support my journey by following along, but mainly in the form of prayer. I'm gonna need it.

I tried to divide the list into categories:
{The Hs}health/home - {The EERS}career/volunteer - {The Fs} faith/fun/family.

So here's my list...

  1. Health & Home-Reach a goal weight
  2. Walk/Run 40 miles per month
  3. Run at least a 5K {I'm sure you marathoners just giggled.}
  4. Treat/Manage anxieties
  5. Treat/Manage dry skin
  6. Attempt yoga - again {even if I look like an idiot}
  7. Make multi-vitamins a habit
  8. Plant a veggie garden
  9. Make window treatments for 5 rooms
  10. Learn to bake a turkey
  11. Learn to bake a ham
  12. Learn to bake Aunt Nita's 9-layer Chocolate Cake
  13. "Finish" the house we've been in for 10 years
  14. Make my birthday wall
  15. Organize our estate {I know, I know.}
  16. Career/Volunteer-Pick a career
  17. Register for a class(es)
  18. Plan a(nother) successful event for the Junior League
  19. Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  20. Read The Power of Positive Thinking
  21. Investigate/Sign up for volunteer opps at the MIDDLE school {YIKES!}
  22. Faith/Fun/Family-Tackle the Essential 100 Challenge
  23. Host a small-group Bible study
  24. Pray through Christmas Cards
  25. Host monthly Sunday lunch/dinner for my parents and Shan's
  26. Learn the basics of playing guitar
  27. Take some(more) tennis lessons
  28. Celebrate our 15th anniversary like we deserve
  29. Mail a note or card to someone weekly
  30. Invite 1 couple/family over per month
  31. Go apple picking in early fall
  32. Go strawberry picking in the summer
  33. USC Football game road-trip with friends
  34. Teach my boys about Dave Ramsey for Kids
  35. Buy a bike for ME
  36. Go on a family bike ride(s)
  37. Watch the sunrise at the beach with my boys
  38. Camp in a tent with the boys
  39. Learn about football
  40. Host the Ultimate White Trash Party II {Filed under "Faith", of course...J/K!!!}
There you have it. I'm starting today.

Do you have a milestone birthday or important event coming up? Have you set goals? I'd love to hear about it!

Wish me luck!


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