Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Football and Birthdays

Sambo and our precious neighbor Michaela before a game and Foo at his first tailgate

This time of year is awesome! The smell in the air, a roaring stadium, football tailgate parties and so on. But October is also a very busy birthday month for us.

I chose to get married in June in an effort to avoid football season. Now, we are quite the "Cocky" family but some how I managed to deliver 2 children right smack dab in the middle of football season!!!!!!! Sam will be 4 on the 15th. Fortunately, I have good connections with head man at USC who offered to always make sure Sam gets the off-weekend for his birthday.
(PLEASE!!!) So I guess it could be the Clemson weekend. Anywho, I am throwing a fabulous Superhero party and hosting his first all boy party. I created his invitation (and Fulton's 1st Birthday---that's one of my pots, as you may have read in an earlier post~). He is growing up so fast!!! He is totally in to Superman Spiderman Batman ETC...

This party planning thing can really cause a headache. My friend Allison and I hashed every possible pro and con for Saturday vs. Sunday parties, early vs. late, and Adults/Children vs. Children only parties. We're shooting for Saturday mid-afternoon. If both parents come great, if not that's great too.

Back to the Gamecocks...Fulton is attempting a right of passage in our house. "Go Cocks" is on the tip of his tongue. If the blogger had the IPA I would transcribe it for you. But it sounds something like "Gu Ku" short "u" sound (schwa sound-for those of you who had Sister Cecilia at good ol' St. Joe's for phonics or for all my Speech Peeps out there). Okay...Rambling is over and it is almost bed time. More later.


Anonymous said...

Your site is so great! Thanks for sharing it with me...I needed a laugh this morning and I found it. I NEED MORE COWBELL!

Anonymous said...

Claudia, what a joy to read and see and enjoy the events of your precious children's lives........we had the pleasure to spend some time with Sam. Shannon, Jameson, and Michael at The Thicket tailgate lot........they were so cute. Fun cousins. Miss seeing you............keep in touch............................Babs