Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fulton's Playdate

Sam and Charlie had a play date at the Wheelers' house this week. Poor little Fulton always has to tag-along with Sam and his buddies. But fortunately the Wheelers had baby Brooks right after Fulton was born and... voila!... instant buddies. Mrs. Brooks sent me this precious picture of them. I just love it!
They are just now starting to interact with each other a little bit. Before, they would just crawl around and stare at each other. They're so much fun to watch. Brooks and I love how they imitate us using the phone and they hold it between their neck and their shoulder. It's kind of sad. HMMMM what do they see us doing?????

Anyway, it will be fun to watch them grow up together... just like Sam and Charlie.
It's round two of the Bakers and the Wheelers!

Fulton and Brooks

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures! Your "little ones" are so adorable and I can't believe how fast they are growing!! I loved the cupcakes that you made for Sam's birthday party, so creative!! And all of your Halloween decorations, I never get to participate in the Halloween decorating at our house, Bryan loves to do that himself. I will have to send you some pictures of our lovely, but large black spiders hanging off of our lanterns on the front porch. He wants it to be spooky!! It is quite funny!
I hope that you are all doing well and I hate that I can't make it to the "Let's Dish," party, I was really looking forward to that. Oh well, maybe next time.
Well, take care and I will talk to you soon!