Monday, October 16, 2006

Party Party Party!!!

Party Time!!!
Happy 4th Birthday to MY Superhero!
Sam was surrounded by a dozen or more of his good buddies. They arrived at the house dressed in their finest Superhero garb. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and they all looked adorable. We had Supermen, Spidermen, Power Rangers, Batman, and Buzz-Lightyear zooming around the yard.

I had never witnessed a cupcake free-for-all until Saturday. I made some "Very Vanilla" cupcakes that were gone in just seconds! I was very proud until the birthday boy himself remarked, "mommy, I don't like these. I wanted red cupcakes." Any much for home-made with love.

The little masked avengers did not escape the party with their goodie-bag filled with Superman paraphernalia and a stick of glowing "Kryptonite". Sam and Newton Grier carried theirs around for hours!

Newton stuck around to help Sam open his wonderful gifts. We had a "Super" time. I can't believe he's already 4! Where does the time go????

Porter, Kieth, and Sam attend the Superhero conference on the playground

Judson and Newton pose with their cupcakes

(top to bottom l to r) Charlie Wheeler, Judson Holmes, Henry Gibson, Duncan Moorman, Stephens West, Mason Harrington, Porter Stanley, Kieth Giese, Newton Grier, Chapman West, Andrew Barker, Harris Jackson, Sam Baker

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

My what a handsome group of superheros. They had a grand old time. It was a perfect party on a perfect day. Can't ask for much more. Happy Birthday my sweet beloved Sam-boritzsky monalitzsky. I want to hug you and squeeze you so much my sweet blue eyed angel. I love you silly! Love, Muzzy