Monday, February 19, 2007


Monster Truck Show 2007
And they're off!
Sam and Shannon
Mac, his daddy, Leighton, and Mason
Sam enjoys the snacks and the view from inside
What's goin' on with Grave Digger??? He's everyone's favorite!
Mason waving his Monster Jam flag
Sam and Shannon enjoyed a great boys night out on February 2nd. They went to the Monster Truck Show at the Colonial Center. Sam has gone since he was 2 years old and loves it more each year. This year he rallied up two of his buddies, Mason and Mac and their daddies, and they had a fabulous time. They were decked out with the usual gear of headphones, flags and of course...toy monster trucks. Sam likes to "act out" his own show along with the real ones. Poor Sam had an ear infection but insisted on going. He stayed inside the suite the majority of the time because the noise was hurting his little ears. But he didn't let it stop him from having a good time!! The report at the end of the night was that the boys can't wait until next year!!!!

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