Thursday, April 12, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

March 17th

Okay, so things have changed quite a bit in recent years. I remember the childless days of St. Patty's Day in Five Points. They were far different from today.

We arrived for the parade at 10 a.m. and enjoyed watching all the crazy floats and people march down Devine St. We went down for the kids' festivities and the boys has a ball looking at the petting zoo, the race cars and riding the rides.
I think they should establish a height maximum too! (Poor Shannon)
Sam and I enjoyed spinning until we couldn't spin anymore!
Who needs those crazy Liberty tax people on the roadside when you could have the cutest baby in the world!!!!
When the boys got hungry for lunch, we decided to take them back to they're roots. We took them to where else but... the Public House. Thank goodness they have installed a new ventilation system (of course it wasn't 2 a.m. either). They enjoyed hanging out with the big folks for a little while.
Something about the Public House makes you feel like dancing in the booth.
Fu Fu's calling up his posse
Mommy and Fu pose while daddy and Sam play video games
After we ate, we went to The Wheelers' house for a little while to see some friends. Even though little Brooks and Charlie weren't there, the boys made themselves at home and played. After a long day, we all came home and took hefty late afternoon naps!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you all take these boys out and about. It's good for them. Takes me back to the good old days that I miss so much. Love, Mom