Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A break in the clouds

One of my last posts mentioned how overwhelmed and gloomy things had been recently. This weekend I welcomed a much needed break in the clouds...literally. It rained and rained for days, off and on for the past 10 days or so. Even when it wasn't raining it looked like it was going to. I think the weather can truly play a part in you how you feel and how you deal with things that come your way.

But Friday afternoon the sun finally started to come out and put a new light on things. I suddenly didn't feel as glum. We walked down to the school for Sambo & Fu's end of the year school-wide picnic. I forgot my camera :-( so I wasn't able to snap any pics, but the boys loved running around with all their friends and Shan and I enjoyed socializing with all the great moms, dads, and teachers of their school. The boys went to bed early so they'd be well-rested for their first Kids Triathlon on Saturday.

We got up at the crack of dawn to make our way across town for the Harbison Kids Triathlon. What an experience! I was so proud of my boys for attempting and accomplishing a great goal. More importantly, I have never seen them so proud of themselves for meeting a physical goal. Shan and I loved it!

Sam...Swim Bike Run
My dad used to be an avid runner. You can't tell from the collage but...Shannon and I couldn't get over how much Sam lookes like my dad with his determination face on! CRAZY!

Fulton...Swim Bike Run
Fulton acted like a pro! He seemed to be right at home and for the first time in his 6 years acted like he had a sense of urgency!!!
We had a great representation of the school and thoroughly enjoyed cheering on each other's children.

You go guys!!!!

Later Saturday afternoon we had Fulton's final T-ball game and his and Sam's baseball party out at the ball field.

Fulton was awarded his 2nd T-ball trophy (Sam's division doesn't do trophies unless it's the champion team).
Baby Ver and his BFF, Hampton ("Hantan"), ran around like wild Indians and got as dirty as possible and were just lovin' life.

Sam also enjoyed hanging out with a dear ol' pal, Charlie, while the little guys played. They too looked like piggies fresh out of the mud!

Sunday could not have been a more picture-perfect day! After so much rain and gloominess we felt very blessed to awake to a beautiful bright sun. When I went in to get Oliver he even asked "Mommy, what's that bright!?!?"

We spent the morning at church. And later Shannon, along with S & F and The Gibson boys all went for a bike ride and gave momma some quiet time while Oliver napped. It was LOVELY!

We topped our weekend off with the company of The Seigler family. We are fortunate to have gotten to know them well through school and the women's bible study Jennifer and I are doing. They are also our neighbors which has been great for "the Sams"!

The awesome burgers on the grill, great conversation and kids playing until dark made me super excited about the end of school and the summertime right around the corner! We can't wait!!!

So the weekend proved to be praise-worthy!

It gave me some hope that better days are ahead. We are looking forward to it for sure!

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