Thursday, July 05, 2012

God Bless America

What a great Fourth of July we had! We were so excited to start our day with a couple extra hours of SLEEP! I don't really know how it happened but we didn't wake up until almost 10 am...everyone! That was a cause worth celebrating itself! Thank goodness I prepared ahead of time and my contributions toward lunch were all ready to go.

We spent the day at the lake with Shannon's family. We a had a traditional July 4th spread of BBQ, coleslaw, corn, mac n cheese, and of course, banana pudding. It was delish! My boys were sun kissed and water-logged when it was all said and done from the hours of swimming, tubing, and playing wiffle ball.

 Fulton on "first base"
 Sam going tubing with Kirstin
The whole gang of kids

The boys and I sported our homemade tie-dyed shirts that we made the other day with my mom. {Great summer activity, by the way! And awesome idea...thanks, Muzzy!!!}

They were so proud and couldn't wait to show them off. And what holiday would be complete without patriotic TATTOOS! They wore them proudly, as usual.

We headed back toward town for fireworks at Capital City Stadium, but the boys were so wiped out they asked if we could just shoot some from home.
So we did and it was perfect.

Glo-Rida featuring Creepy Sparkler Dude in the background. This pic makes me laugh out loud!!! Oliver looks terribly concerned for his safety!

 They had the best seats in the house!

It was definitely a hot-as-a-firecracker kinda day, but nonetheless, we celebrated our independence very well! I am so thankful for all our freedoms in this wonderful country and I will always be grateful for the men and women who defend that freedom everyday.

Here's to hoping you had a great 4th too!

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