Friday, January 24, 2014

Five on Friday

It's Friday again. I'm linking up. Here are my Five!

I worked at the boys' school the other day and I was fortunate to be in the classroom with Oliver. During their rest time, his teacher who is a huge country music fan, put on the BEST lullaby CD from I might be completely tardy to the party, but these CDs are awesome! My boys still love going to sleep to music in their rooms! I'm not really in the market for lullaby CDs anymore, but I want to share this fun discovery in case you are. They are also available on iTunes.

This week was a very short 3 day week! We had a great play date at the new Hi-Wire Trampoline Center. Even though Santa brought a trampoline for Christmas, this was a completely different experience! I will say, it is pricey for 6 and over and an hour is truly plenty of time in the event that you're planning a visit.

Video clip: Fulton loves a slow-mo video!
Sam and Fulton were asking me what a "selfie" was. I'm not sure what they thought it meant but I could hear them quietly talking about their friends taking selfies. So I gave them the opportunity to take their own.

Yes, I still have up my Christmas cards. They stay up til the end of January.
I took a BIG break from designing invitations and I have been steadily getting back into the groove. And speaking of that and trampolining...
This is the one I just finished!
A quick update on my 40 by 40 challenge. I signed up for Weight Watchers Online. I like it. But I have to admit that it has been tough after a very lacks holiday where I didn't think twice about putting things in mouth. So that said, my recent and sick obsession with Jif To-Go Chocolate Silk spread on a banana as a snack has been nixed. *Sigh* The spread alone is 7 points on WW-PP. I think I'll be saving it for a splurge! If you haven't experienced need to.
I have also been digging into my No. 22. It's so interesting and fulfilling at the same time! Y'all should check it out!
Happy Weekend, Y'all!!


Ashley said...

That trampoline center looks amazing! I'm going to have see if we have any of those here in OK!

Brenda @ Chatting Over Chocolate said...

I'm going to have to try that JIF spread! Thanks for sharing ;) Wishing you all the best in your 40 by 40!