Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lessons from Disney

Part 1 of 2...
So we returned from our fabulous trip to the "Happiest Place on Earth". We set out with the highest of expectations and even started our family hashtag, #DisneyBakationPart2. We each had our own punch list of things we had to do and we were armed with FastPasses and uncontainable excitement. But (Disney lovers close your eyes.) I didn't love it this time.
I think maybe we went back too soon. Shannon and I both agreed we should have waited at least another year, maybe two, before going back. I'm wondering if the boys were older and all doing the same things if it may have been better for us. When Shan and I divide and conquer I feel like I miss out on what he and the big boys are doing. Oliver was able to do a good bit more this time, but we were still limited. He just doesn't dig the characters as much anymore, so standing in line to meet them is not super fun. It makes me a little sad. And he's not quite big enough or into the flipping and twisting rollercoasters.
Any who. I'm forever grateful to Shan's parents for the 2nd opportunity to experience Disney as a parent. The boys were rock stars as they hit the ground running everyday for 4 days and didn't stop for about 14 hours. There were certainly no complaints from them.
However, this old gal was feeling like the magic was a little lackluster this go-round. There were still precious memories made. But I think I was seeing the World of Disney without my rose-colored glasses this time. I love surprises. Good ones. And there wasn't a whole lot to be surprised by since the boys had experienced everything just a couple of years ago.

So as a Disney "veteran" here are 13 Things I learned at Disney: 
  1. I'm definitely more cut out to be a boy mom. Princess-Schmincess! They're all the same. The Star Wars and Dinosaurs attractions are much more exciting. 
  2. Call it a cultural barrier or whatever, but I think I may be one of the only people to still use the two words, "excuse me".
  3. We all know I'm a sap, but the Disney parades and performances make me cry. All of them. Every time.
  4. Darth Vader is scary as hell...even if it is just a tall guy in a costume.
  5. Beer tastes better at Disney. Maybe because they're $8 each. IDK.
  6. There is no such thing as comfortable shoes when you log 10+ miles a day.
  7. I think Obama's refugees all got a weekend pass to Disney because they were representin'. 
  8. If you think about it, Disney World is a lot like Wal-Mart but with costumes and rides. 
  9. My husband has a second calling as a cruise director. Damn, Shan! You had us hoppin'! 
  10. The Star Wars fireworks show was worth the drive by itself.  
  11. The Disney crowd calendar lies. Don't trust it.
  12. Oliver needs to be a leash-child.
  13. I think I'm a one and done kinda girl. There are very few things in life that leave me coming back for more. Ride a ride, move one. Visit a theme park, move on. Life's too short to get hung up on the same stuff. 
Disney is great! It's super magical and I think it should be visited at all different stages of life...childhood, teen years, pre-kids, as a parent, as a grandparent. But I am for sure not the gal who sings zippity doo dah as I skip through the park. Nor do I like herds of rude people who don't understand right of way or basic turn taking skills. So I'm checking it off until the Baker boys are all teenagers. I love that they loved it though. So stay tuned for our trip highlights!

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