Tuesday, March 22, 2011


i've gotten a couple of emails from people who miss me!!!!
it's always nice to know you're missed. so by 2 of my 5 readers...i'm missed!

well. the last couple of weeks have been completely cah-ra-zy.

some fun-ness.
some busy-ness.
some scariness.

so i'll try to get you up to date...

not last week but the week before, my mom went in for some medical tests and ended up having a pretty big surgery. blogging was the absolute last thing on my mind. i am happy to report that she's doing great and getting back to herself. so needless to say... i continue to "rejoice always [and] pray without ceasing"- 1 thessalonians 5:16-17. i am incredibly thankful for very VERY smart doctors. GOD is so very good!

it is that time of year when people start planning those fun outdoor parties and getting ready for weddings. for me, that means cranking out some really cute invitations. i just love designing for clients. it is so much fun!
i have lots of new designs to post, but first...i have GOT to think of a new name for my business. i may do a survey so y'all can vote on it. (you know i love me a survey).

the reason for wanting to change? i chose the Letter Bugz name waaaaaaay back in '02 when i was embroidering monogrammed gifts and doing personalized stationery---all the time. since i have pretty much moved over to doing custom invitations and party packs, i kinda want to change it. i'm wondering if i should bag my website all-together and go straight blog while i'm at it. i rarely have online purchases any more. mostly, i get emails for design requests and send paypal bills. sooooo... i just don't know...

this past weekend, i went to the beach with these people...

i love them!! we usually make our annual trip with kids in tow but this time we decided to go sans littles!!! they provided a weekend full of comic relief and fellowship for this tired-out ol' momma. this is the first time shan and i have been away by ourselves in SIX...yes, i said 6...YEARS...yes, i said years.. it was much needed and appreciated. the best part was sleeping in until 10:30!

and when i finally woke up, i threw back the curtains to see this...

the peaceful marsh of edisto.

the weekend of r&r made me thankful for fantastic friends and our beautiful coast, my precious husband who i don't get to spend near enough time with, my sweet boys who were so excited to see us after a measly 48 hours, and for shan's parents who kept them safely and soundly while we were away, and for my parents who kept sweet dixie from being lonely (this was our first trip away since we lost linus).

any who... that's what's been bakin'
the manager

1 comment :

bevy said...

2002... Those were the days of "That's My Name!"