Friday, March 04, 2011

The view from my perch

Speaking of Date Night...

Who needs a date night when you've got this kinda romance goin' on????

This has become our regular meeting spot. The sofa. We watch DVR'd shows and click-clack the night away on our laptops. Sometimes we really jazz things up... we have a conversation via facebook while sitting next to each other. WOW!!! That's HOT I know!

We actually look forward to our 2-3 hours of mindless interaction each night. Who wouldn't when you have a super cute and sweet hubby to snuggle up next to?!?!

The song Ebony and Ivory comes to mind, only, a techno-remix of the classic...

Dell and Toshiba...Go together as you sit on the sofa
Side by side on our laptops, keyboards, oh lord! Why don't we?


1 comment :

Bunco Belle said...

HA!! Have you been spying on us? If so, you would see the exact same thing at our house. Love to know there are other lovahs out there in the acres enjoying the same type of romancing. Don't get no better!