Saturday, March 05, 2011

This week in review...

Rewind to last weekend...
We had the pleasure of being invited to the private club called "Da Playroom" to attend a well-rehearsed production by The Baker Dance Company. It was pure hilarity!!! The boys performed dances (learned at school in PE) to the Cupid Shuffle, Cha-Cha Slide, Macarena, & Chicken Dance. Here are a couple of highlights...

Well, it has officially started. Baseball season. It's the time of year when I'll be eating, sleeping, and breathing baseball. This spring, I will be taking up a temporarily-permanent residence out at the PBL. Sam is in his 4th year (2nd year Coaches Pitch) and Fulton is in his 1st year (T-Ball). Their games and practice times are all over the agenda! I can't even imagine what it will be like when Oliver starts playing!!! We are looking forward to it though. They have great kids and parents on their teams, so it makes for a fun social outlet for mommy too.
I'll see ya at the ball field!
(Sorry for the white pictures...Still trying to figure out the settings on my camera.)

Ollie was content throwing rocks into a nearby mud puddle.

Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss...

In honor of a special Dr.'s birthday
The preparation for a celebration
Was getting underway

The menu was planned with care, you see
A breakfastical fare for our family

Thing 1 & Thing 2 whipped, whirred, and stirred
Following each step word-for-word

 A few drops of magic...Ka-boom, Chic-a-bam 

A platter was full with GREEN EGGS & HAM (...and waffles)

That Sam-I-Am, Thing 1 & Thing 2
They tried it. They tried it.
They liked it. It's true!

We brought to life a classic fable
And gobbled it up at our kitchen table.

Happy Birthday, Dr.Seuss is what we say
We enjoyed celebrating in a Seussical Way!

1 comment :

bevy said...

Ah... It IS the season! I have every practice and game color coded. My calendar looks like the Easter Bunny threw up on it!