Sunday, June 01, 2008

Happy 61st Birthday, Dad!

Happy 61st Birthday to Dad!!!!

Since Dad got the big hoorah last year for his 60th, we took it easy this year and had a small cupcake and ice cream mini-party. Some of our family came over to mom's and we sang happy birthday and chatted and stuffed our faces as usual!!! There's always good food involved!

Shannon missed out on the fun due to a business trip to Boston. Michael and Clayton and their families saved gas money and made a phone call instead.

We hope dad had a great day! He works so hard and truly deserves a restful and fun day!

Happy Birthday, Dad (a.k.a. Boppa)!!!!

Cousin Tina, Fulton, and Me
61 from above
Me and my boys

Boppa and his partner in crime enjoying a cold beverage
The many wives of Mike.

We have a running joke that my dad has 4 wives. Dad is always willing to lend a helping hand. Whenever there is a task to be completed...he's on the case. My mom's sisters are widowed and my cousin is divorced so if they need man power or assistance they know trusty-ol' Mike will come to the rescue. They all love and appreciate him dearly and his sentiments are the same. My mom's sisters and my sweet cousins have always been so good to us and dad just likes to be able to return the favor! (And mom doesn't mind sharing gets him out of her hair for a while ;-) !)

My cute baby cousins!!! Heather and her friend BJ, Charlie, and Kyle

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