Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Middle-aged Fire Dog Tech

Many of you already know that Nic is one of the head techs for the Fire-Dog Squad at Circuit City (Like the Geek Squad at Best Buy.) Their uniform is supposed to be the lime green polo and khakis. And most of you know Nic has a very small frame and would look ridiculous in a men's large shirt which is what he was first issued. The store finally so kindly provided him with a Men's medium which Nic claims you have to be a middle-aged computer geek to wear so that it will accommodate a healthy round beer gut that hangs over your waistband. A middle-aged tech is also required to wear white socks, loafers, and high water khakis. Nic decided to dress the part until they get him the right size shirt. (He didn't wear it to was just for a good laugh at home.) My mom and Jenny laughed hysterically for hours. I too thought this picture was pretty priceless.

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