Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween from What's Bakin'?!!!
Daddy Vamp with his Babies

(Sam loves this picture)

Once again, we stuck with our tradition of going to Muzzy and Boppa's for our pre-treating Chili dinner. We filled our bellies and hit the streets. It was a quiet but super fun Halloween. The boys got more than enough candy!!! It should last them until at least Christmas. After they finished trick-or-treating, we took the home and hosed all the black paint our of their hair and took them to the Overdykes for a special Halloween sleepover! I can safely say...They had a great night!!!!

I can see the determination on their faces!!!! Men on a mission!
Trick or treat!!!!


Shannon0602 said...

Girl...U r SUPERMOM! I hope to be as fun a mama as you! Loved catching up on ur blog. I always enjoy looking at ur pics. xo shannon virtue

Allyson said...

I love reading other people's blogs, so I had to come visit yours. I LOVE the Halloween costumes!!
I missed Fulton's sweet face today. I hope everything's ok.