Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Weekend with Houseguests!!!

Our friends, The Overdykes, had to head out of town for the weekend. Because we have kids the same ages who play very well together, Shannon and I offered to help them out and invited the kids to stay with us for the long weekend.
The Overdykes go to church with us and run in the same circles as the Baker family. Sam and William are at Satchelford together and Fulton and Caroline are at Kilbourne Park together. They were all so excited to be having a sleep-over.
Poor William woke up with a stomach bug on Saturday morning which threw a small kink in things but WE SURVIVED without anyone else getting it that weekend!!!
Once he felt better, we were able to resume normal activities and the kids enjoyed the zoo, eating out, playing outside and watching movies.
Shannon and I got a taste of what it would be like to have four children...or at least two sets of twins...WOW!!!

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