Saturday, July 17, 2010


Here we go... According to the experts the best place to start is with yourself! I have been soul searching and trying to figure out why I am not as organized as I'd like to be. So here I am...wide open...short-comings and all!!!!

  1. I get easily distracted by external "things" calls, other commitments/obligations, text messages, facebook, BLOGGING!!!
  2. I enjoy being lazy sometimes
  3. I have not been the greatest at holding my children accountable. Why? Because sometimes it's just easier to do it yourself.
  4. I feel overwhelmed.
  5. I try to implement too many other people's ideas of what works, rather than what works for me.
  6. I was neurotic as a child. I dreamed of being Marcia Brady and my room was always spotless when I went to bed so I could wake up feeling refreshed. And maybe now that I realize that Marcia Brady is not real and neither is her perfect bedroom, I have also realized that I was a disillusioned child. (wow...deep)
  7. We lack good storage
  8. Poor time management
  9. Perhaps a tad on the ADD side
  10. Flying by the seat of my pants is fun sometimes!

So there you have it. Whew! that that's off my chest...I'm off to get organized.

Practical tip- Get your soul-searchin' on! Examine your day---like your diet. Carry a notebook or piece of paper with you. Each time you notice something out of place, undone, or disheveled, make notes and then address why you think it's that way (books/toys out of place: I didn't make the boys put them away, errands didn't get finished: I answered the phone call of a long-winded friend when I could have called her back later.) If it's something an older child or spouse should have done, make note and hold him/her accountable also. This might help you determine what's holding you down and help others in the house notice where they're falling down also.

Practical Plan- Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. -Proverbs 16:3

Practically Yours, "The Manager"


Allison said...

Whew. I feel so much better knowing I am not the only one who does some of the same things. Whoop. Whoop.

libby Souder said...

I like this - I'm gonna keep following you and try to stay motivated myself! :) You GO gurl!!