Sunday, July 18, 2010


So I have spent my day creating the family "HUB". I actually really enjoyed this dreaded project. I have cleared a space in the kitchen to make our family hub. Every family needs one! It doesn't have to be a fancy desk or workspace. If you've got that, GREAT! I f not, an extra shelf or cleared counter top will do. It's the place where calendars and memo boards hang, schedules are posted, and family files can be found. I decided to use a standard file box and a card file box that everyone in our family can easily access.

In the past my PILES were my FILES! But No More, My Friends! I have hanging file folders labeled appropriately with manila file folders in each one. The tabs are labeled for every category and aspect of our family's life. I have started using the "touch it once" policy. I touch paper/mail one time only, then put it in its home - trash or file. If "The Yard Man" needs to look at it, I made a clip that is labeled "touch once" to encourage him to do the same.

I also made the cutest card file EVER!!! I took Mini-Messers 1 & 2 to the pool and sat by and made my file box with all my appropriately labeled tabs and cards. This little box has "in a flash" info such as; important phone numbers, chore cards for the each member of the family, important dates, gift wishlists, schedule cards, etc. You can put anything in there that you think your hubby, sitters, grand-parents keeping children, or that you might need in a flash. The cards can be easily edited as well as the file tabs. I love mine! I found that the standard manila dividers were far too boring for me and didn't suit my I made my own.

Practical tip- Start with little projects like filing systems. They help you feel a sense of accomplishment and it keeps you motivated. I like making things unique, different from what you can buy at the store. I have a bad habit of trying to do it all at once and making it ALL perfect and it inevitably does not get finished, I get discouraged and never go back to it. Doing a little at a time works much better, I think. So...Stop waiting for that perfect moment to do it all. Start now with less stressful projects so you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Practically Put- If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done!
-Ecclesiastes 11:4

Go ahead, pick your project!

Practically Yours,

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