Thursday, January 26, 2012

My poor children!

Back in November, on the way home from my mom's house, we spotted and old ugly vanity and a hopeless looking lamp. I made Shannon stop AT ONCE, as I am on this DIY-One man's trash-jag.
I yelled, "Ooooo, ooooo! Pull over!"

Shan said, "I really don't think we need this. Nor can we fit it in the car."

Little voices from the back seat shouted, "What are we doing? Mommy, why are we taking someone's trash?"

But I was determined!

We removed the passenger's side middle seat and put it in the way back so we could slide the vanity in, but we couldn't close the hatch, nor could we close the door all the way because the vanity was hanging partially out. But I didn't care because...We weren't far from home and all that mattered was we got it in the Odyssey!

Please look at poor Sam and Fulton's faces in the back!
{Note Sam's guitar. Never leave home without it!}

My OH-SO-COOL and humiliated 9 year-old kept saying, "Are we really doing this?" Fulton chimed in, "Can't we just take it back?" Poor Oliver just looked completely confused as we drove the mile-and-a-half home.

Shannon and I were laughing so hard because the back hatch, which was not closed because we stuffed the middle seat back there, kept flying open...even with us going 15mph!

Every time we stopped to push the back hatch down, the moans and pleas from the backseat got even louder.

When we finally arrived home, Sam hopped out as quickly as he could and said, "thank goodness that's over!"

Oh my! I know they think I'm nuts.

Sadly, I think they're right.

But isn't it cute? Doesn't it just scream po-ten-tial?!?!

Do you recognize the lamp? See my dresser re-do here and you'll see the good as new with a fresh coat of paint and a new shade.

1 comment :

just ask beth said...

so 30 years olds like to rummage through garbage!! LOL!