Friday, August 23, 2013

Five on Friday

Yay! It's a record for me. I've actually blogged 3 times this week.

I'm joining in again with a few of my favorite bloggers for Five on Friday.

We survived the first week of school!!! Only 35 more weeks til summer! Sam and Fulton jumped up excited and ready on Monday. I was totally relieved because we had really started throwing bedtime out the window over the summer! They are now in 5th and 2nd grade.

Oliver was a tad miffed that he didn't get to start with them, but no worries little guy, you start Monday. I was VERY grateful for the one-one-one time I got with Oliver this week. This time next week I could quite possibly be in the nut-house as I am really dreading sending my baby to all-day school.

 Sam 5th, Fulton 2nd, and we met some school buddies for and ice cream treat!

Oliver and I had lots of snuggle and play time this week. He had 3 play-date adventures and seemed to really enjoy his last week of summer vacay with mommy. We blew bubbles, went to meet friends for lunch, got some new tenny-pumps, and snuggled on the sofa and watched our favorite shows. I love that sweet boy!

My August Birchbox came this week! {If you don't know what that is, check it out!} The greatest shade of red lipstick was in it! And y'all know I love some red lipstick! Always have. I used to wear it just on fancy occasions, but now I wear it just because. Shan likes it too. So as soon as he got home I gave it whirl!

Any who, once this runs out I'll definitely reorder.

Football season is now less than a week away. It's always an exciting time of year! Next Thursday the USC Gamecocks will be taking on the UNC Tarheels. It'll be like our own personal Civil War on the field! GO COCKS!


This weekend I'm looking forward to a leadership training that I'm participating in for Junior League. I love all the opportunities they give us to learn how to lead others as we give back to our community. {While I'm still in cheerleader mode from #4} Go JLC!

Have a good weekend! TGIF!!!

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