Friday, September 06, 2013

Five on Friday!

It's FIVE on FRIDAY! I love reading all these linked posts. It's great for inspiration, motivation, and new fun ideas. I've also found some great bloggers that I need to add to my Bloglovin feed! Here's one of the girls behind these shenanigans.

With all this extra quiet time since the boys have started school, I've actually been able to think! About what? Keeping my house tidy, possibly redecorating, and reorganizing. This week's project...I've started working on some window treatments inspired by VERY talented Courtney at A Thoughtful Place! These are the ones she made for her master bedroom...

I've also had some time to think about personal goals. I posted a looong time ago about how I'd lost my mojo. Well I'm slowly getting it back. For 2 weeks I've been back on my run/walk routine as soon as I walk the boys to school. I've been using the Galloway Method which is wonderful for asthmatics. It's very similar to the Couch 2 5k method and app which I have had a serious love-hate relationship with forever!
I've also been finding lots of motivation and tips from Pinterest and Instagram! Here are two that really helped me this week...
I am back on the MY FITNESS PAL App, again. I've been logging everything I put in my mouth for a week and am happy to report that I've lost 3.4 pounds!!! Yay, me!
{I blacked out the gory details...all you need to pay attention to is that line going down}
I've stayed the same for so long, it's nice to see it go down. And the best part is today is my splurge day!!!

Misty and I had to speak in front of a couple hundred people last night at our Junior League General Membership Meeting. YIKES!!! We were there to sell the cutest T-shirts ever, discounted Preview Party tickets, and pass out bumper stickers. The energy and excitement was FANTASTIC! I can't wait and can't believe we're a smidge less than 3 months away.
How cute are these T-shirts and Bumper Clings?!?!

After reading my friend Erin's post about Fall TV Premiers, I have it on the brain. I can't wait to watch the most realistic show about a family, PARENTHOOD. It is my favorite!!! And I think the new Michael J. Fox show will be fantastic. Who doesn't love MJF?!?! I am done with the lame summer TV selection. Bring on the premiers!!!
Any who, that's my 5! Y'all have a good weekend!!!

1 comment :

Mary Beth said...

Love love love Parenthood and counting down the days to watch!! Also: Those Holiday Market T's are C-U-T-E!