Monday, November 20, 2006



I am: in love with my husband and my children
I have: too many blessings to count
I wish: I had more hours in the day
I hate: the word "hate" however, I dislike pumping gas
I miss: my brother, Michael and my best friend, Christine, constantly!!!
I hear: Fulton jabbering and singing
I wonder: what Sam and Fulton will be when they grow up
I regret: nothing
I am not: punctual
I dance: All the time with my boys
I sing: (Do I really need to answer this one?) Hmmmmm...Anywhere, All the time
I cry: not so much anymore
I am not always: RIGHT (okay, I admitted it!)
I make with my hands: anything I can...currently, cupcakes
I write: to do lists, emails, and posts on my blog
I confuse: myself, mostly
I need: my mom and my friends
I should: be more like Mary and less like Martha
I start: talking and I can't stop
I finish: 90% of what I start...sometimes it takes me a while but I do finish eventually

I was tagged by Amanda; I tag Darby and Helen (you have to cut and paste it!)


Anonymous said...

Checked out your blog!! It rocks!! Are you doing monogramming (TOO MANY mmmmmmmmmmS) this year or are you full? Missy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your family with us. I loved it.
