Sunday, August 08, 2010


I think it's safe to say that I love a good list!!! That's exactly what we did today, made lists...To Do Lists, Lists of Chores, Lists of Rules, etc. School will be back in a week from tomorrow and we will be back on rigid schedules. No more sleeping until 9:00, lounging on the sofa in PJ's for most of the morning, no PB&J lunch dates at the kiddie table in the playroom, no more late movie nights with popcorn and skittles...uuuuuuhhhhggg! The first two weeks I know will be absolute agony, but we'll get through it. And as usual, we will see that schedules and structure are good and that I really do like them.

MM1 will be going into 2nd grade (YIKES!) and MM2 will be going into all-day 4k (Double YIKES!!!). MM3 will only be doing mothers morning out 2 days, so I can handle that (Sigh of relief). In preparation for BACK TO SCHOOL we pulled out paper and pencils to make our lists. These are OUR lists but maybe it will help you make yours or even jog your memory for your own list(s).

List 1
Back to school to do
Start Back to School bedtime schedule (8/8)
Practice using the alarm clock with MM2
Finish shopping for school supplies
Get MM 1 & 2 new athletic shoes
MM 1, 2, & 3 Haircuts
Finish sorting/separating play clothes and school clothes
Make 2 Bag Tags each for MM 1, 2, & 3 (for lunch & book bags)
Monogram MM2 book bag
Monogram MM2 nap towel
Label school supplies
Go out for a special Back to School dinner (sushi/hibachi)
Attend Back to School Rally- purchase spirit wear

List 2
Daily Gimme 5's (to be posted on the fridge near "the hub")
Gimme 5 AM
  1. Wake-up 6:15
  2. Eat Breakfast
  3. Potty, Teeth, Get Dressed to shoes
  4. Make Bed
  5. Wait by the door
Gimme 5 PM
  1. Snack and Free Time
  2. Homework/Read 4:30
  3. Pick-up/Wash-up before dinner
  4. Bath, Teeth, Potty, PJ's
  5. Lights out 8/8:30
In addition to my regular to-do lists (grocery, chore chart, weekly/daily to-do, etc.), I tried to organize our week-before-school-starts to-do's and routines. I am looking forward to a wonderful year, as we are all very excited about the boys' teacher situations! Each new school year brings another opportunity for us to give thanks that we have smart and healthy little boys.  MM1 & 2 sat down with the Yard Man and me today and made up our Gimme 5's for this school year. I think it may help things run more smoothly, especially in the morning (GAG).Setting rules and making checklists for children gives them appropriate guidelines for behavior and holds them accountable for their choices. I am NO expert, I but am learning as I go.

So ----- Here's to a fantastic week to you all and hopes that we can all get it ALL done and kick off the new school year right! And...if you'd like a copy of our Gimme 5's, just comment below and I'll send it to you!
Gimme 5 Chart/Checklist

Practical Tip- Sit down with you littles and get them to help you create their rules and checklists. It's a good way to learn what's important to them and what they view as being helpful.

Practically Put- These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. -Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Practically Yours,


Cathy said...

sounds like a plan to me!!! Where were you when I needed you? I winged it and by the grace of God, I made it!

Jennifer Helmly said...

This is great! I would love a copy.

Bunco Belle said...

Love this!! I would love a copy.

Amanda said...

i love making lists too!! i have acouple lists on the go right now. thinking i might post them on my blog soon

Margaret Hicks said...

Can you send me this?