Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Pool days

Pool days, pool days
Soon to be the school days!

My goodness, how the summer has flown. I think it's gone faster than any I can remember. We have really enjoyed our trips to the lake and beach with great friends and family, lazy days hanging around the house making paper guitars and air planes, our mornings at the gym with fellow gym-rats in the nursery, and our afternoons at the pool with friends.

I'm always a little sad to see the summer go and school start. However, it doesn't take long before the routine sets in and we get the hang of it again.

We have lots to look forward to this school year. Fulton starts 5k! Real big-boy school!! Even though he did the all-day 4k program last year, this is still a huge milestone. Sam will be in T-H-I-R-D grade. I can't even say it!! I really remember 3rd grade. Ya know? I have some memories of 5k-2nd, but I REALLY remember 3rd grade. Don't you?

Any the pool days are numbered, we are soaking up the sun and good times at the QL. Hanging on to it as tight as we can!

Fu's monster goggles

Water baby

Sam walks on water

Fulton's jack-knife

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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