Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lunch Date

I was fortunate enough to be selected by a very precious 1st grader as a VIP on Tuesday. It was VIP week at her school and she got to invite her own personal VIPs to eat lunch with her. I MADE THE CUT!
This is Madeline...

She's my niece (the daughter of Shan's brother and his wife). If you're familiar with the Bubble Guppies, EVERYTHING about Deema reminds me of Madeline.

It cracks me up! Oliver even says "there's ma-lin" when we watch it.

Any who... Oliver and I joined her for lunch and thoroughly enjoyed our brief visit. We got the run-down on what everyone had in their lunch boxes, talked about her favorite part of school - recess, and talked about the pending rainy-day recess. Oliver felt so BIG at the table of 1st graders. Maddie-Lou even brought some extra fruit snacks to share with him. He was in heaven! I probably could have left him the rest of the day. ;)

I was happy to be selected and... Madeline, I'll be your VIP anytime!

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