Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Wocket in my Pocket

Last week, Oliver had a "dress up as your favorite book character day" at preschool. He chose his favorite character from Dr. Seuss's There's a Wocket in my Pocket. Currently, that is his fave. He wanted to be the boy on the cover.
I love how proud they are when they dress up. He woke up and saw his clothes lying out with the "Wocket" I had made. He just beamed!

They did a little parade around the school grounds. And here he comes...with his Wocket in his Pocket.


just ask beth said...

and he loved you for this...

Donna said...

Hi there,
This is so cute! How did you make your wocket? Is there a way a non-domesticated mother like myself coould make this without sewing? I don't even own a machine! :(

CTBaker in The Acres said...

Donna, You're in luck! All you need is some felt, a black marker, scissors, some stuffing, and a HOT GLUE GUN! ;-)
I drew the Wocket on the felt and cut out 2 identical pieces. Glue all around the edges EXCEPT for the bottom. Stuff it like a little pillow and glue the bottom. Pin it inside the pocket.
Good luck and send me a pic of what you come up with if you want. ctb1974{at}gmail{dot}com. ;-)

Margaret said...

I ran across this and made one for my son too. Very clever and was so happy to not dig out the sewing machine! Thank you!

CTBaker in The Acres said...

Yay! I'm so glad it worked for you. It's still a favorite book and he is now 7! Long live Dr. Seuss!