Friday, June 01, 2012

Phone and Picture Dump Friday

It's Phone and Picture Dump Friday!

We spent Memorial Day at Edisto Beach with our sweet friends. It's always a great time and not even the pending tropical storm Beryl stopped our fun.
Edisto Picture Dump...

  1. Shan and the Ver-man taking a dip
  2. He's goin' in!
  3. Fu belly surfing
  4. Precious Mae (11 mos)
  5. Very white men in very girly shades (Shan & Patrick)
  6. The mommas
  7. Baker beach boys
  8. Fu and Ver
  9. Liddy and Newt

Edisto 2:
  1. Sam crabbing
  2. Cheesy Oliver
  3. Mae and Ans
  4. Liddy and Patrick
  5. John and the prize crab
  6. Sittin' on the dock of the creek
  7. The view
  8. Feasting with friends
  9. Oops...Sam crabbin' again
  1. Liddy and Fu
  2. The posse at midnight
  3. The bar managers They named the bar "Jack Daniels"...original huh?
  4. John, Jen, and Natey
  5. Nate and Oliver
  6. Just doin' their job
  7. Cleaning the bar
  8. Sam chill-axin
  9. Veg time
Phone and Instagram dump...

Redneck Koozies, A pretty deer, Ver on the way to the beach, Sam with rib face

My driver, the road to Edisto, the jelly fish, all hail the jelly fish
Sunset on the creek

Cutest waiter ever.

It's been a laid back week. Not much happening on the phone since we got back in town, but here are a few.
There are no words for how much I love this picture. If I could only stop time.
Playing chase with "Linus".

 My Aunt Laynie celebrated her 74th birthday last week. Unfortunately, she was in the hospital. But no matter where she is, nothing changes the fact that she is loved. LOTS!

Ridiculous amount of balloons and cards, beautiful flowers, and a Proverbs 31:25 print I made for her

Thunder and lightning didn't stop these boys at the pool. They still found a way to have a great time.

We looking forward to a great weekend ahead.


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