Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Hands are Cold but My Heart is Warm

We are hunkered down again, as we await winter storm #2. We have had the weirdest winter this year. Sixty degrees one day - blizzard the next. We can't seem to get it right here in ol' South Cackalacky!

So while it's freezing and I'm watching the sleet and snow come down, I thought I'd blog about some sweet things that have been warming my heart these days.

First of all, I started reading Chasing God by Angie Smith back in January. It's a really good read! The book digs deep into the question, are you following God or chasing after Him? I often wonder this and struggle with it. Am I doing OK in "my walk"? Am I truly following God? And what does following God look like? Surely it looks like perfection. But perfect, I am far from. {Surprise!} Angie Smith says, "our goal is to walk in a way that makes us more like Him every day." So I try. Constantly. I always have. Struggling with self-doubt and anxiety doesn't make it easy. Wouldn't it be nice to get a progress report periodically?

Well, I truly believe that God has planted angels among us. I got a little "progress report" the other day and it warmed my heart!

"J" is a precious 3rd grader who is in school with my boys. It's very apparent that he has a very special relationship with the LORD and I have heard several stories about him speaking TRUTH to others in their hour of need. I truly believe "J" is a vessel for HIM. He is certainly "fit to be used".

Secondly, My mom posted this on my Facebook wall. I fell in love. I vow to watch it anytime I feel blue because it is just the cutest! It was originally posted several months ago, but I'm just now seeing this and smile every time I think about it. She gets double points because I adore a baby in glasses!!

And lastly. On Instagram I follow @heartandhomecollection, and the other day she posted that she was taking pre-orders for the Betsey Cavallo Nativity. I have a "thing" for Nativity sets. I first saw it a while ago on my friend Erin's blog and I just HAD to have it. I have been trying to get my hands on one for a few years now, but they ALWAYS sell out. I am thrilled to say...I'm going to have one this Christmas!

Knowing that buying Christmas decorations is not really in my budget this time of year, I sent an email to a few folks to let them know it was something I'd like to have. I DID NOT THINK any of them would read it and/or take it seriously. But they did. Somebody actually took this crazy fool seriously!

Any who... just some heart-warming things on a really cold day! I'm looking forward to next week when we can thaw out. Come on 60+!

What's warming your heart these days?


TAPCKMA said...

Love you, CTB!

Mason Harrington said...

Great blog post!