Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Life Lately: February 2014

Do y'all ever keep waiting on things to slow down, but it seems that they never do.

I often think certain seasons are more hectic than others, but I really think they are all hectic!
Good - hectic.

With three boys in three different age groups, all with different interests, it gets a little challenging at times to make time for nothingness. I so crave it sometimes.

For instance, our weekends. Lately they have been full of basketball games and {very cold} football games. Sam plays basketball in our church league and Fulton plays football through the YMCA. Shannon coaches both. Don't ask how! Because most weekends we have to divide and conquer and their games tend to overlap and are always on opposite sides of town.

Fulton finished up winter football this past weekend, so we'll have a small reprieve before he starts spring football with Upward.

Sam is on the home-stretch with basketball and will begin spring soccer practices very soon.

And Oliver is just a little monkey these days, who has lots of play dates and is eager to get back on the soccer field again with his buddies.

On an academic note, Shannon and I are in utter disbelief that Sam is beginning the orientation and course registration process for middle school! {Gasp!} We actually went Monday night for the tour. Y'all may remember the trauma I suffered his first year of 5K. I'm quite fearful of what lies ahead. Not for him, for me! This has all gone by insanely fast. It makes my heart break just a little.

Our lives lately are busy. Shan with work, officiating, and volunteer obligations. Me, with my hands in all kinds of pots - subbing, the JLC, church, the boys, designing, this blog and trying to maintain a life outside all of that. It gets kinda kooky. We rarely have time for a date night but we actually made time for one this past weekend with our buddies, John and Jen. Yay, us! It's so easy to forget how much you really do like each other when you don't take time to do the things you used to do.

It's not unusual for me to resemble a chicken with my head cut off. And there ain't no shame in my ability to take a short siesta in the carpool line. Though it's overwhelming, I truly feel so blessed by all the goodness life has to offer us. All the things that keep us busy. The good things. My boys are healthy and active. My husband has a great career. I have a very active life with my boys and all my "pots". We don't have room for a whole lot of "nothingness" these days. So, I guess I just have to embrace this time of my life and know that there is a season for everything! Nothingness will come when it's supposed to.

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