Friday, February 28, 2014


I have been drafting this post for a little while now and kept debating over whether or not to post it. It's not really a controversy. It's just a mama's heart and her passion for her perfectly imperfect children.

And then today, I felt inspired to post this because of this. My dear friend posted it on Facebook and it gave me the nudge.


It's a word I have heard way too much of recently.

"Did y'all qualify for anything?" "What is he qualified for?" "Was he state identified and qualified? Or qualified for the school year?"

Qualified? For what?

Middle school class placement. AAP or Regular.

There has been so much chatter among the 5th graders and parents. The pressure is palpable. You feel almost forced to join in, no matter how much you said you wouldn't.

For something I had decided to put in God's hands to turn into such angst is just torture. I had made up my mind that I was not going to let it bother our family, but the chatter is everywhere I have turned. I couldn't help but become wrapped up in it, thinking I wasn't fighting enough for the desirable title of advanced placement in middle school academia for my child.

Word of Caution: As a first time 5th grade parent, at every turn you'll hear one seasoned middle-school parent advise that "it will all be okay". Yet other seasoned and some not-so-seasoned parents advise that they MUST qualify for Advanced Placement because you'd be a fool to let your child be in classes with all "those kinds of people" (real quote).

Well, I have taken both sides to heart. I've been relieved that it'll all be okay and anxious at the same time. I've asked questions - lots, and made phone calls to the "officials".

And then it suddenly occurred to me that average (regular) has been reduced to "those kinds of people".

As I've become more and more anxious, I'm sure my poor child has too.

So here are my questions for the tens of people who read my blog...
Why are we doing this? When did being average become not good enough?

I know lots of really awesome average people.

For starters, my husband. He's average for sure, if you judge him by his middle school through college test scores. But he's still average in lots of ways and manages to have a very important job with a very large company. He amazes me every day and makes me and his parents very proud.

Me? I am average too. Actually, in 1985 this learning disabled little girl would not have "qualified" for anything but "the dumb reading group". Well, it took me a while, but I went on to graduate from college as a Speech Therapist... with HONORS! (Thank you very much, Ms. Mitchell. I wonder if she reads this blog and counts my typos, overuse of commas, and grammatical errors? I sure hope so.)

Can y'all help me with making average okay again? It would really do a couple of generations of people a whole-lotta good.

So back to the question.

Is Sam qualified? Absolutely! He was "qualified" in God's plan long before I knew he'd be mine.
Recently, I've been praying for the right scripture to share with him, to give him a boost for the days when he thinks he's not good enough or "qualified". Maybe you can share a verse or two with someone you know who struggles with being average.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. -Ephesians 2:10
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. -Psalm 139:13-14
But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. -Isaiah 64:8

Reading those makes me feel far more than average. You?

Any who... go hug and high-five your average child.

1 comment :

Carolyne Aarsen said...

Found this post rather late in the year - but I feel for you. We are always told to strive for excellence. And yes, I suppose we can strive, but in our striving let our comparison be with ourselves, not others. What God requires of me and nothing else. I think average is what keeps this world going. The excellent thinkers and learners and etc can so often be out of touch with the ordinariness of life. The ordinary things like getting your car fixed, your plumbing repaired, your chair re-upholstered. It is the ordinary people that keep life going - that keep the machinery of this world functioning. So, yeah, I'm a fan of average.