Wednesday, February 15, 2012

14 Lovely Days Catch Up

Happy Sugar-Coma Day 2012!

I fell down a little on blogging, but I didn't fall down on my 14 Lovely Days! Our weekend was so busy I never got a chance to blog!

Days 10, 11, 12, and 13 were filled with lots of lovely things! Then, of course, there was Valentine's Day over-kill yesterday!

Over the last few days the boys got a couple little notes and sweet treats to finish out our 14 Lovely Days. We also had a pretty awesome family date night on Friday. I'll blog about that later.

Their school likes for them to be creative when making valentines, so we spent some time being creative together. They had a great time {except for when I informed Fulton that he had to address each of his 25 valentines for his friends...not so much fun}! Any chance they get to use my design software is a big deal for them. And when I told them it was time to do valentines they immediately asked if they could use the computer. Sam got finished with his and  said "I think I could really be a designer one day." I loved it!! They got them all put together and ready for delivery on Tuesday.

Oliver celebrated with his class on Monday, so I made his treats {those yummy little pretzel, kiss, and m&m things that everyone on Pinterest and in blogland made} for school and used the printable I created for his valentines. He was so excited to go through his valentine bag when we got home. He made me read each one and asked if he could eat every piece of candy. I loved his enthusiasm!

Valentine's Day morning I woke up a little early to make their special cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. I set the table with their cute little place mats they made in 3k {Ollie will make his next year} and their valentine's napkins and mugs. Sam woke up grumpy, but quickly perked up at breakfast. I think they actually appreciated the effort! Ollie wakes up later so he had his own personal valentine's breakfast seating.

Shan and I grabbed a quick lunch together {with Ollie in tow}, as he had meetings all day and couldn't get away for very long. But I didn't feel slighted because we had a great date night  on Saturday at a Chili Cook-Off benefiting the boys' school. ~Great Fundraiser Idea...Just FYI~
We kept supper low key for Valentine's and decided to celebrate as a family. I made some yummy potato soup, a pretty salad and cheese bread. Needless to say, the day could be renamed  death-by-carbs day! We finished the night off with sweet treats and red velvet cake it was sooooo good!

I feel blessed to have such sweet Valentines in my awesome husband, my boys, my parents, and friends. The boys made out with a ridiculous amount of Valentine's Day loot from classmates, Muzzy and  Boppa, our sweet neighbors, and the Valentine Chicken {who does not bring candy...only books!} It was a great day!

On a side note...
The whole "be creative" thing is kind of a pain with non-crafty boys, but when they bring home their valentines, I love to see what the kids {parents} come up with! My fave of all they came home with was this...



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